The goal of each of us:

to change the lifestyle
standard into an
eco-sustainable lifestyle.

 what is soft nature

SOFT NATURE represents an excellent example of sustainability and environmental responsibility through the implementation of an innovative tanning method. Here’s how the process contributes to reducing environmental impact:

1.     30% Reduction in CO2 Emissions: The tanning method adopted for the “SOFT NATURE” article is designed to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, reducing CO2 emissions by 30% compared to traditional methods. The tanning process follows a closed-loop approach, minimizing the dispersion of chemicals into the environment. This significantly contributes to the fight against climate change and the overall goal of reducing the environmental impact of production.

2.     30% Water Consumption Savings: The advanced technology used in the tanning process for “SOFT NATURE” enables a 30% reduction in water consumption. This is particularly relevant considering the growing concern for the sustainable management of global water resources.

3.     Zero-Kilometer Leather: The exclusive use of zero-kilometer leather from local suppliers is a key element of the sustainability of “SOFT NATURE.” This choice not only supports the local economy but also reduces the environmental impact associated with transporting materials from remote regions. Avoiding the importation of leather from distant countries like Argentina contributes to reducing transport-related emissions.

4.     Sustainability in the Production Cycle: The production process of “SOFT NATURE” integrates sustainable and responsible practices at every stage, from raw material sourcing to production and distribution. This ensures that the overall environmental impact is carefully managed.

5.     Transparency in the Supply Chain: The “SOFT NATURE” article could promote transparency in the supply chain, allowing consumers to trace the origin of the leather and verify compliance with sustainable standards.

The combined approach of reducing CO2 emissions, saving water, and using local materials contributes to making “SOFT NATURE” a cutting-edge product in terms of sustainability, meeting the growing demands of consumers oriented towards the only lifestyle to pursue: the eco-sustainable lifestyle.


the tannery